Enduring the Hump Month.

Written by Jordan Davies

September is arguably the Wednesday of the year (see image below).
It’s got that ‘hump day’ vibe about it that can make it either a total non-event OR it can be the wild card slay month of the year. With that in mind, I thought it’d be dope to share five ideas for how you can add a little fizz to your September/Wednesday.

  1. See a show. The Sydney theatre scene has come out of lock down like a gust of wind up the skirt – giving people all kinds of stirring feelings. Six is returning to Sydney this month, which has been endorsed by every single person that’s ever seen it. And one of the most successful musicals of all time, The Phantom of the Opera, is now playing at the Oprah House. So, instead of dropping $100 on a round of drinks at one of the three Sydney clubs, be wowed by a sobering trip to the theatre.

  2. Cook something totally whack. There’s something very cathartic about creating something with your hands. And in lieu of having access to a wood working space or a meth lab, embarking on a funky new recipe can be a cool way to use your hands to create something to be proud of. Of course, it could totally backfire and you can blow a heap of cash on ingredients only to realise you can’t follow instructions for shit. But it’s still impressive that you tried and you can revel in that while you wash all the dishes.

  3. Try a new exercise. Whether you’ve been sitting around Aus all winter, or feasting on drugs and carbs in Europe, the return to the gym may feel a little, like, blerh. So, maybe now’s the time to mix it up: try swimming laps or a Barry’s class (with Cory), or at the very least, try a new machine at the gym. Your new Grindr profile pic will thank you.

  4. Go on a date. Even if it’s not a “date” date, be bold and ask someone cute out for dinner. Grab a table at one of the few date spots around town like 10 William or Casoni, order yourselves a cocktail and remember what it feels like to make good, old-fashioned small talk with someone outside of your social circle. You may learn something, you may make a new friend or you may hate it. All of these are signs of growth.

  5. Do something gay. And I don’t mean touching balls. I mean, try something that in the 90s would’ve been considered gay, like going blonde, or getting a spray tan, manicure or facial. Activities like these, traditionally considered “feminine”, are a wild ride because they’re an insight into the female experience. And for a guy to truly understand why chicks don’t wanna do dishes after a manicure can generate a whole new level of understanding and compassion, which we we can never have too much of.
    Besides that, as humans, we’re attracted to healthy skin, eyes, teeth, hair and nails so… you’re hamstringing yourself by neglecting them.

*May only be applicable to Australia


Prepare for another WAP summer.


ILY yourself